Peach Upside-Down Cake


25mL (2Tbsp) salt-free butter
60mL (1/4c) honey (local is best)
125mL (1/2c) shredded coconut
1 14oz. can of sliced peaches (or better home-canned)

Melt butter in 9×9 square cake pan (some people prefer spring form pans). Drizzle in honey with butter. Sprinkle coconut all over. Arrange peach slices on top. Cover with cake batter.


85mL (1/3 c) olive oil.
125mL (1/2 c) brown sugar.
2 eggs.
500mL (2 c) all-purpose flour * gluten-free available.
5mL (1 tsp) Baking soda.
5mL (1 tsp) salt (I use Celtic or Himalayan).
5mL (1 tsp) ginger.
5mL (1 tsp) cinnamon.
1.25mL (1/4 tsp) cloves.

250mL (1 c) peach juice (I do not add the milk that it used to call for).

Bake 45 to 50 mins at 350. Insert a toothpick to come out clean when done. Cool on a wire rack for 5 mins and loosen the edges of the cake with a knife. Cool for 10 mins more before covering with a plate to flip out of the pan. Serve it warm.

Vegetable Beef Soup

healthy Beef Vegetable soup

(I love soup year round!)

1 L (4 c) Beef stock (I boil grass feed beef bones for hours for stock)
500mL (2c) water
250mL (1c) chopped onion
250mL (1c) chopped celery
250mL (1c) chopped carrots
250mL (1c) chopped tomatoes
375mL 1 1/2c chopped beef (optional if you prefer just veggies)
25mL (2Tbsp) chopped fresh parsley
salt* & pepper to taste

*Celtic, Himalayan or Kosher salt is best, but go easy on the Kosher!

Boil beef bones first (if you have them). Add all other ingredients except the beef and seasonings. Bring to a boil. Cover and simmer for a half hour. Add beef and simmer 10 mins. more. Add parsley, salt and pepper.

*Optional: Make a vegetarian version and add lentils instead of beef and use boiled vegetable stock instead of boiled beef bones! Add your favourite veggies!

Julienne Vegetable Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette

(This recipe takes about 20 mins, excellent for a quick and healthy meal)

Salad Mix:

250mL (1 c) green beans, snapped to 11/2″ long
250mL (1 c) julienne strips of carrot
250mL (1 c) julienne strips of celery
250mL (1 c) julienne strips of zucchini
seasonings: salt* & pepper
Romaine lettuce leaves (for the bed)
*I use Celtic or Himalayan salt

Lemon Vinaigrette:

25mL (2 Tbsp.) olive oil
60mL (1/4 c) lemon juice
25 mL (2 Tbsp.) chopped fresh parsley
25 mL (2 Tbsp.) chopped green onion or chives
1 clove garlic, minced

Renee’s Quick Style Asian Dinner!


20 mins to prepare for 2 people
– 1 package of Rice Vermicelli
– 20 jumbo shrimp
– 3 stalks of kale, stripped of spines
– 8 asparagus stalks, halved
– 2 1/2 Tbsp Sweet Thai Chili Sauce
– Pinch of Sesame Seeds
*Optional – sliced carrots, mushrooms, baby corn or avocado slices.

1. Boil rice noodles, shrimp and vegetables together for 4 to 5 mins, preparing any additional* vegetables while that cooks.
2. Plate the noodles and shrimp, top with vegetables, sauce and seeds.
